The Nursing Homes of Nova Scotia Association is pleased to share this update on the Leadership in Continuing Care Administration certificate from Dalhousie University.
“NHNSA is proud of this strong and ongoing partnership with Dalhousie University to offer professional development to the leaders of our sector,” says Menna MacIssac. “The high calibre of the program has attracted leaders from not only Nova Scotia but other parts of Canada. The consistent uptake clearly demonstrates the commitment of our leaders within long term care to advance their leadership expertise as well as their unwavering dedication to the transformation of long term care.”
Dalhousie University’s School of Health Administration and the Nursing Homes of Nova Scotia Association (NHNSA) have had a strong partnership over many years.
One of the most recent highlights of this relationship would be the Leadership in Continuing Care Administration certificate, which provides executive education specifically tailored to the needs of our current and future sector leaders.
The Leadership in Continuing Care Administration certificate addresses topic areas and curriculum developed for Long Term Care (LTC) leaders derived from extensive consultation and engagement of interested parties from 2020 to 2021 including our advisory board (with representatives from NHNSA, Dalhousie University, Not-for-profit and Profit senior leaders from long term care), government leaders, board of directors, administrators, directors, managers, front-line staff, resident and family advocates, leaders from acute and continuing care facilities, and the academic community.
The first offering of the Leadership in Continuing Care Administration certificate occurred in November 2021 as pandemic restrictions were being eased. The first offering of the certificate welcomed by the Nova Scotia’s Minister of Senior and Long-term Care, the Honourable Barbara Adams via an evening reception at the Hampton Inn & Suites-Dartmouth. The evening reception and the six-day certificate were well received by our senior leaders in the sector. The success of the partnership (NHNSA and Dalhousie University, School of Health Administration) and the six-day certificate has led to the demand and delivery of this certificate each Spring and Fall for 2022 and 2023.
To date, 78 leaders from Nova Scotia’s long-term care sector have successfully completed the ExecutiveLeadership in Continuing Care Administration certificate (reference Impact Map-Leadership in Continuing Care for geographic spread across province and Atlantic Canada). The certificate is continuously improving the educational sessions to be supportive and nimble to sector needs. Examples of continuous improvement includes the addition of content on co-design of facilities, and an increased focus on equity, diversity, and inclusion.
We look forward to maintaining and enhancing the relationship between Dalhousie University’s School of Health Administration and NHNSA to best support our leaders and providers of care in the long-term care sector.