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Empowering Partnerships Program

October 03, 2024

Starting on October 3, 2024 | 2-3 pm | Virtual Webinar Format

Our LTC professional development series continues this fall with Deborah Bakti.

As many of you are aware, Deborah worked as an executive in seniors’ care for 11 years, and during that time she became a resident’s family member three times, with her husband, her Mom and her Dad. Those life changing experiences inspired her to leave her corporate career in 2017 so she could focus on helping seniors care homes and residents’ families relate, appreciate, and help each other as partners in care. After all, there is the same goal in mind – quality of life and care for loved ones and residents. Deborah is also  the author of two books RECIPE for Empathy and Now What? which are playbooks for both care team members and families to be more intentional and relational in this key relationship.

Here is an overview and introduction of the course Deborah has prepared for NHNSA members. This is an impressive educational series with tangible meaningful outcomes for your team, residents and families.

Empowering Partnerships Program

One of the challenging realities of long-term care is that friction and frustration can happen between staff and residents’ families. When this happens, staff can feel demotivated, unengaged, and even feel like they’re ‘walking on eggshells’ which then only makes matters worse, contributing to conflict and tension, and escalating complaints which takes a lot of time, energy and focus.

Families get labeled as “difficult, passionate, involved” and next thing you know, we have an “us versus them” mindset from both sides!

But here’s the thing. It doesn’t have to be this way.

The Empowering Partnerships Program has been designed to support the mindset shift about “difficult, passionate, involved families” so that staff feel much more empowered, capable, and supported with onboarding new families and meeting them where they are – to in turn, help educate and empower families with THEIR new role in the home as a partner in care.

I’ve seen countless times when a staff member ‘gets it’ that they CAN impact and influence the family relationship based on how they show up, communicate, and manage expectations; they are excited and energized to try new approaches and create better outcomes for everyone.

The reality is, both families and staff can have an “us versus them” mindset – with each side having narratives that don’t support collaboration and cooperation. Friction with families impacts employee engagement and retention, which is critical with the current state of staffing shortages. This program can strengthen your staff engagement and commitment.

My approach is to create the awareness of this unfortunate reality, (through storytelling and assurance they’re not the only ones thinking/feeling this), education and practical tools to take a more empowered approach with families, that can then create the transformation we’re looking for – healthier family relationships, less friction and frustration – and eliminate the belief that “difficult families are just another cost of doing business in senior’s care.”

It must start with acknowledging and shifting the limiting beliefs, so they can buy into the concept that they CAN impact and influence and have more agency than perhaps they believe currently.  Then they are motivated and engaged with trying new approaches, shifting their language, and taking the lead with their families.

With the Empowering Partnerships Program, we can shift the mindset about difficult family dynamics and build your staff’s confidence and ability with how they interact and relate to families, with The Relational Approach™ methodology.

Join us for this exciting and transformational program, which is being delivered virtually in a webinar format over three one hour sessions, and is designed for leaders in long-term care.


The schedule and overview is outlined below:

Thursday, October 3, 2024 at 2:00 pm for Session 1
Thursday, October 17, 2024 at 2:00 pm for Session 2
Wednesday, October 30, 2024 at 2:00 pm for session 3
Thursday, December 6, 2024 at 2:00 pm for our Impact Call


Over the three sessions, the following topics will be covered:

• Admission Anxiety is Real:  How to onboard your families with a family relationship strategy and start the relationship right from the start.

• Identify the negative beliefs and narratives with care team members and families, and how to reframe to build a more relational and trusting connection.

• Discover the three key barriers that typically get in the way of productive family relationships.

• How to take the lead and be the guide with your families, manage expectations and reduce the friction and frustration when families feel let down.

• Unpack the Six Strategies that can be your superpowers with families, and help you transform relationships in your life.

Here are some of the benefits you will receive from the sessions and program:

• Gain insights into the emotional journey of families during the admission process.

• Develop a heightened awareness of staff and family narratives and expectations, and how to powerfully shift them, so that you can positively impact the quality of these relationships.

• Acquire practical tools to build trust and respect within your teams, residents, and families.

• Feel hopeful, inspired, and empowered to bring a relational approach to your team and experience healthier more positive family relationship dynamics.


Also included:

• Participant workbook

• Nine module online program delivered over six weeks to reinforce learning, build accountability and confidence by implementing key concepts and tools. This will include short videos, templates and exercises designed to deepen learning. You will have access to the online program for one year.

• On December 6, 2024 at 2 pm a zoom session will be held where you will have an opportunity to reflect and focus on the commitments made, share successes/challenges in a group learning environment, be coached with specific scenarios and continue to build your Relational Approach in your home.


REGISTER HERE: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/950368145707?aff=oddtdtcreator


There is no charge for this event thanks to the support from the Department of Education and Advanced Labour.

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October 3, 2024
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm
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