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Workplace Engagement and Retention – It starts with you!

May 16, 2024

May 16, 23 and 30, 2024 — Custom Three – Part Webinar Training Series delivered live over a three-week period


May 16, 23 and 30
2-3 pm on each of those days

Consultant, Michelle Ray is no stranger to our sector, presenting a dynamic and engaging keynote address at our 2022 Conference. With more than 25 years of experience researching leadership talent management and change and workforce trends, Ray has a deep understanding of new realities demanding the attention of organizations. She is an award-winning business speaker, educator, consultant entrepreneur, author, coach and 2021 inductee into the Speakers Hall of Fame. Her Workplace Engagement and Retention offering will position you to be a lead in retention of high-performance employees and to create a thriving and empowering workplace culture.


A word from Michelle Ray: https://vimeo.com/942141534/c2eac496c2



“Leadership Live” An Online and on-demand Workforce Development Talent Retention Training Program

We will dive into the key components that LTC senior and middle management need to build an effective ongoing talent management strategy, strengthen their leadership skills to mitigate the talent shortage and help them to create a winning culture that fosters high engagement and retention in an ever-evolving seniors care sector.


Equip senior and middle managers in Nova Scotia nursing homes with leadership skills to mitigate talent shortages, develop their teams, and build outstanding workplace cultures where people want to stay.

Support leadership progression and succession planning from within as we prepare for retirements in the long-term care sector within the next three to five years.

Keep Nova Scotia competitive in the face of a Canadian-wide healthcare human resource shortage.

Enhance long term care facilities as being recognized as a learning environment and one where highly talented professionals are drawn.

To ultimately be able to retain health care leadership and health professional with the advanced and innovative credentials required to provide quality care to our long-term care residents living in Nova Scotia nursing homes.


Upskill your nursing home CEOs, senior administrators, and executives to have better success retaining their staff .

Increase engagement through greater collaboration and involvement in organizational initiatives.

Identify key factors that contribute to high morale and motivation in a nursing home setting.

Apply essential recognition strategies to create a positive, proactive work environment.

Master your communications and relational skills to build stronger bonds with team members.

Develop future leaders with effective onboarding and mentorship programs

Create an employee-centric value proposition for our nursing home brand and to create a long-term care brand that is respected and valued both internally and externally.

Showcase our employee culture as a sought-after place to work.

Foster open communication channels to understand team member needs and aspirations


Custom Three – Part Webinar Training Series delivered live over a three-week period, each webinar 45 minutes in duration with fifteen minutes for Q & A.

Webinars presented exclusively by Michelle Ray, Leadership Expert, Trainer, Coach and Hall of Fame Speaker through a content-rich, dynamic, interactive, and engaging learning experience.

Custom Handout /Training Companion Guide to reinforce online course content, support continued learning and enhance understanding of core concepts.

Webinar Recordings available on demand with unlimited access and unlimited views available to NHNSA member leaders for a period of 150 days with an option to renew.

Distribution of 125 copies of Michelle Ray’s book: Leading in Real Time: How to Drive Success in a Radically Changing World to help participants remain ready, responsive, and relevant leaders.


NHNSA senior leaders will be equipped with foundational knowledge that will help them achieve outstanding retention levels and counter the shortage of nurses and support staff at all levels of direct patient care.

Member organizations will be defined by their dynamic cultures that keep talented people engaged, thriving and happy at work.

Your facility will enhance its reputation and brand as a trusted, critical, and most valuable resource for Nova Scotians


Free on a first come basis with no more than two people from the same facility.

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May 16, 2024
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm
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